Friday, April 07, 2006
Thursday, March 02, 2006

This page illustrates some of the building projects I'm working on (playing with!) at DM, as explorations of joy and offerings to the happiness of everyone. My goal in implementing these efforts is to discover what the least amount of infrastructure will offer the most comfort and grace, using the least amount of "produced" materials from off-site. But I think this page more importantly shows a lot of the joy of the people here, who are also wishing for the same happinesses. They are amazing. Here is a cactus fruit used to dye lintels in the mud hut behind Jamyang.

Here we are at the lama yurt building the first State Approved Thermophillic Composting Toilet System, for evaluation over the next two years (see Building the Perfect Retreat Cottage class information from Winter Term 2006 for details). After evaluation and demonstration of successful pathogen elimination, we'll build more of these zero tech units throughout the project.

What is Guy thinking? He probably can't believe he's in the company of so many crazy women. Erica is having a hoot. Christine, what happened to your shirt? Yes, that's Tibetan grafitti written with mud on the wall. The first verses of the Heart Sutra were written in Sanskrit with mud on the wall as well.